In the 1500's, infamous conquistador Hernando Cortes led an expedition into the La Mosquitia
jungle with little
more than rumours at his back and a greed for gold in his heart, to
find the famed golden city of Ciudad Blanca. Obviously, he failed.
Had he been sporting the latest in LiDAR technology, he might not
have, but of course, he was quite a few centuries too early for that.
LiDAR(Light Detection and Radar) technology, which
uses laser pulses directing downward, allows for the low flying plane
of these archaeologists and film makers to penetrate the dense canopy
in order to map the ground topography below.
During their initial project last year, they flew
over a site covering 120sq/km, mapping the entire
rainforest floor in
that gridded zone with their small laser pulses until they came upon
these exciting results. Seemingly manmade lineal features and
mounds. The kind you won't usually find in nature. An obvious site of
human ground disturbance.
This will be up for some hot debate after the findings are presented to the scientific community in Cancun this week.
here, if it is decided this site is something worth throwing
resources at, and I think we all can see that it is, then they will send an expedition team into the rainforest
to investigate the features at ground level this year.
- MM
Image Sources -
First Image: University of Houston Second Image: UTL Scientific
I found some new strange discoveries about giants up`n here in the mountains